
Recommendations, advices, instructions and a real test of one's own skills on the shooting range for everyone

Defensive Combat Shooting

Defensive Combat Shooting (DCS) - is an educational shooting program incorporating into the educational process the natural reaction of the human body during a dynamic defensive incident. When a person is suddenly frightened, interrupted, or drawn into an immediate confrontation with an armed attacker, his primary rescue mechanism is to survive.

I explain to you defensive use of a handgun

A dangerous dynamic incident is characterized by a variability of factors to which the defender is forced to respond. I will explain the focus of defensive shooting training and difference.

With my long-term of expertise from practice and the implementation of training activities, especially for individuals and small groups, I am ready to share and pass them on. I look forward to working with you.

I come to you

If you are interested in courses, I will come to you and you will complete the course at your favorite shooting range.

Courses for everyone

Courses of defensive shooting are addressed to all interested persons with open mindset. The most important is the ability to accept new information and get rid of bad habits.

Defensive shooting lessons

The lessons for everyone with open mindset.  A firearms license is not a require and I can help you with technical equipment.

Individual shooting lessons according to your own parameters

Individual training program with the inclusion of the realistic needs of the real defensive use of the handgun.

Advice on choosing a weapon and concealed carry weapon

Individuality, work responsibilities, the environment, dress code ...... These are factors that influence personal choices and preferences for choosing a handgun for concealed carry.

Event shooting with various types of modern and historical replicas of firearms. 

Always you can choose